STI has zero tolerance to sexual exploitation, and Abuse including all forms of child abuses. This is reflected in our work with the community and the recruitment process. We affirm our commitment to eradicating them from our operations and offices and ensuring that all victims receive the support they need. Violation of safeguarding policies can lead to disciplinary action including dismissal and termination of contract. Our priority is saving children and adult from sexual exploitation and Abuses caused by our staff, work and affiliates. We have a number of policies in place that help us deliver our commitment to safeguarding. We adhere to the UN secretary bullet in special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and the six core principle of IASC.
STI is committed to Eliminating Sexual Exploitation and Abuse including Standards to support progress made towards eliminating sexual exploitation and abuse by personnel. STI reaffirmed its goal of achieving full implementation of the six Core Principles adopted in 2002 by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Working Group on Prevention and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.